All posts filed under: Foto

7 steg till bättre resebilder

Det finns inget bättre tillfälle att förbättra fotograferande än när ute på resande fot. När ute på vift har man ofta tiden, lusten och rätt motiv för att ta fotograferandet till en ny nivå. Jag älskar att läsa andras fotoguider och har därför skapat serien ”Lär dig fota bättre resbilder” och här kommer det nyaste tillskottet till serien, ”7 steg till bättre resebilder”. Här har jag samlat några gamla tips i kortare version med tillskott av några nya tips. Ett fotostilleben från Island på härliga fotografen Annelies utrustning, vid lunchtid 7 steg till bättre resebilder Steg 1 – Lär dig hantera din kamera Det första steget i 7 steg till bättre resebilder blir också det viktigaste. Lär dig hantera din kamera. Det finns egentligen inget som jag får så mycket frågor om när jag är ute i olika sammanhang som kamerateknik. Frågor som ”Vad ska jag göra för att ta nästa steg” är vardagsmat numera. Framför allt är det vänner som hör av sig men även andra bloggare och personer som läser bloggen. Ett fokus många har …

Hur man gör en gif – Varma bilder från ett fält

När längtan blir för stor efter värme och sol beger sig många mot värmen. Min vän Annika har precis varit ett par dagar i Kambodja och är nu på väg till Thailand för att övervintra, min kusin med familj spenderar vintern och föräldreledigheten på Kanarieöarna och i facebookgruppen ”Vi som gillar att resa” postas mer eller mindre bara varma exotiska och drömmiga bilder från asien nu. Fantastiska blå oceaner, vidsträckta och magnifika retar oss  som lever i den kalla verkligheten Sverige. När jag kollade ut genom fönstret idag och möttes av ännu en grå vit hinna kände jag bara ”näe, nu får det vara nog”. Mer snö, mer kyla. Jag står inte ut! Men snabbt kastades jag tillbaka till verkligheten och då jag inte har någon varmare resa planerad scrollade jag genom mina bilder och fann några snapshots jag och Martin tog på ett fält på väg hem mot Småland i September. Tänkte att en liten varm gif kunde pigga upp här i brist på asiatiska stränder. Såhär är det, min varma gif. Jag på ett fält …

Fototips – Gratis förinställningar till lightroom (presets) med fotoexempel från Edsviken

Denna guide går genom presets, vart man hittar dem i Lightroom, hur man använder dem och vart man finner gratis varianter att testa. För grundläggande kunskap om LR kolla min guide – Basic editing in Lightroom  – om mappar, att importera foto, grundläggande redigeringsverktyg och exportera fotot. Mitt LR är på svenska. Följ gärna Äntligen vilse på Bloglovin för regelbundna uppdateringar om foto och resor. Jag finns också på Facebook, Instagram och Twitter. Vad är förinställningar till lightroom? Första gången jag kom över förinställningar, eller som det heter på engelska presets, var nog när min bloggkompis Sofia tipsade mig om actions till Photoshop. Presets är Lightrooms motsvarighet till actions, kort och gott. På svenska heter det förinställningar och är vad det låter, små färdig paket av förinställda redigeringar. Förinställningar/ presets Förinställningar är något som existerar i Lightroom redan när du köper programmet, eller som jag, hyr det och du hittar dem tydligt på vänstersidan i LR när du är på framkalla läget, bildredigeringsläget. Starta LR – välj Framkalla i övre menyn – klicka på pilen vid Förinställningar (drop down meny) …

Brown brand new photo boots, a hat I got for Christmas and new year resolutions, light

*Squeak*, the snow below my new brown leather shoes is crunching, as if the weather was ment to arrive with my new boots.  Now wait, it most likely is the other way arround. I bought the shoes to fit the weather. Ah, yes *lightbulb*. Every year it is the same way around, a struggle to find comfortable warm and good looking shoes suited for my forest endeavours. At least I timed it well this year and managed to buy them before a long forest walk and some photography before heading home to Stockholm. The boots wasn´t the only thing I got for Christmas but one of the few things I got for myself. Here are some Christmas gifts I got. I like that when getting older, you tend to get gift you actually use. Like people now you better when you are older. Christmas presents Best places to be and the Ultimate Travel list, by Lonely planet, from the boyfriend. Travel gifts are the best! A necklace by Susanna, M´s stephmom Handcream and footcream for reaaaallly dry …

how to save an overexposed shot – a photo of Norrbro/Riksbron, Stockholm

I have some issues with too strong sun. I admit it. Not everyone love backlight, or light at all. I prefer the soft morning or afternoon light and despise the middle of the day light. For photographic reasons of course. During the weekend my cousin was here visiting with his family and we took a walk from Gamla Stan to Sveavägen. To get there you  have to pass over a bridge and we walked along Vasabron. On Vasabron I shot this horrible shot of Norrbro, the bridge from the castle to the city centre. iso 100, f2.0, 1/1250 sek I´m not sure what I did, but I definitively didn´t get the settings right this time. The house walls are white, the water as well and the people is bathing in white white white. I didn´t think I was ever going to be able to do anything about this shot really. It just felt too white. how to save an overexposed image I was about to throw it away when I decided to edit it and …

Fotomässan, a tunnel and some ping pong

White, high ceeling and a lot of cameras. That pretty much sum up the photofair held last weekend when my fellow blogger and photographer Helena visited me. We headed with fairly low expectations, since Canon were a no show on the photoside. On the other hand Nordica photography had their own scene. Oh my the wedding mania! Not everyone knows Nordica photography. To be short, it is two guys that are wedding photographers and they have a kick ass style. Check it out here. We checked out the amazing view from our backyard before going. The dull November weather has arrived. At the fair I tried my dream lens, the 20mm Sigma super wide angle lens f1.4 in the art series. Oh my! Such a lovely piece. Let´s do this every week. The food-fair next to the photo-fair was a surprise. So much goodies. Afterwards me and Helena headed for Urban Deli to meet up with my friends and Martin. I tricked her to check out the tunnel Brunkeberg on Tunnelgatan in Stockholm (in the centre). …

Random instagram moments

Haven’t posted much from my instagram lately. Here are some random photos without explanation from this summer. If interested in knowing what they are about, check my Instagram out on The photo of me is borrowed from instagrammer intehelena                                  

Preparing for an October wedding – a cow, a dog and some sand

This weekend I am shooting my second wedding for my carrier, in Örebro. During the day I was at Scandinavian photo and prepared for the weekend mission by buying a new battery for my camera, two new memory cards, a CF card of 64 gb and a SD card of 64 gb plus some batteries for my polaroid. The wallet said ”ouch” when paying but, ”because I am worth it”, as the Loreal commercial says. Last weekend (two weeks ago) I met up with my third wedding couple to prepare for an mid Ocotober wedding the 17th. I shot some of my favorite photos for the year, a cow, a dog and a lot of sand *grin*. This weeding will take place close to my hometown in Småland. The weather was so magnificent it fel like middle of summer. Katarina

scouting spots for wedding photography in Örebro

Camera *check*, extra battery *check*, Sigma lens *check*. After packing carefully I head out to my car. Fear rises when I get out on the bigger roads in Stockholm. Will there be a lot of cars, maybe even a que? But today I am lucky and it is only me and a few cars on the road giving me a free lane. I drive slowly and are soon on my way. The day has been spend checking spots for an upcoming wedding in Örebro the 3rd of October. I have been longing to shoot a wedding ever since I was on Iceland so this was a happy day! A church, a bridge and a castle later I head home to my cosy apartment that I have grown fond of and edit some photos before Martin gets back. After 20 minutes he calls ”I am on my way home” and I feel even more happy. Sundays are the best days! Both getting the possibility to shoot some photos and now the rest of the evening will be …

Behind the scenes at a wedding photo workshop on Iceland – part two

Continuing on part one, Behind the scenes at a wedding workshop on Iceland – part one. Day 3 Hella, Geysir and Gullfoss Waking up me and my roomie Lisa head to breakfast and from the dinner you can spot some Icelandic horses eating grass peacefully. Some other girls shot some shots of them before we left in the morning. We then head out and meet up the bride and groom at Geysir, an area with an Icelandic Geisir that actually sprays water on a regular basis. This might have been the most difficult photos for me. Here there where so many tourists that is  was too difficult to shoot and I didn´t get much more than some over exposed shots with some smoke from the hot ground around the geiser. Going from Geisir to Gullfoss, a grand waterfall on Iceland, it was easier to shoot but still a lot of tourists. It wasn´t until we just stop next to the road that we got our first great photos with a mountain in the background in some and …

Behind the scenes at a wedding photo workshop on Iceland- part one

Some weeks ago I headed to Iceland to participate in a wedding workshop with Emelie Ohlson. The workshop was taking place for five days between the 12tth and 16th of August 2015. This behind the scenes post consist of two parts and the second part hold a collection on hands on tips on whats important when traveling abroad on a photo trip. Heading from the airport in Keflavik to Hotel Keflavik Day 1 Arriving Our first day we all met up at Hotel Keflavik. We were ten persons traveling together, Emelie and Ulrica the photo-teacher and her assistant, Linda & Jasmin, Malin & Annelie, Sandra & Lena and me & Lisa. After meet and greet with dinner we where off to bed and I took an evening walk and shot my first Iceland photos along the shoreline of Keflavik. Me, Jasmin and Lisa on the way from the airport Lisa, my roomie is trying out her fisheye. We are not still sure what the black box surrounding it is due to. (Got the answer from Malin and this …

ice ice baby

The forth day on our phototrip/workshop we woke up in Vik. A bit tired we started the day with product photography/ preparation photography, shooting the bride and groom when dressing. Must say that this is some of my favorite parts of the whole wedding shooting business. Except, taking photos of the ring that is. It is so small I barely see it. But, when doing this at the workshop I got some great tips from the phototeacher, apparently you can buy a macro filter and put on your ordinary lens. I didn´t know before, how smart! And better is, it worked! After lunch we headed for Jörkulsárlón, a glacier sea some hours from Vik. In a way the best and the worst photos was shot here. This light was the most difficult for me but the end result somewhat of the best. I loved the floating ice passing the bride and groom when shooting.I loved the atmosphere and the turquoise blue color of the ice. I loved the ice. Hope you enjoy some of the photos. I …

shifting skies

I got home from Iceland at 6.00 a.m Monday morning this week and died. I woke up from the coffin around 3 p.m (Monday afternoon) when Martin called and since then I have been walking around in some sort of fog. Without any doubt Iceland was one of the most fantastic experiences in my life and I will re-tell the story afterwards, while being there I didn´t have any energy to blog so this will be some sort of, looking back at my week in Iceland week. I am back in Stockholm and back at work and Martin have also moved here by now. The second day on Iceland was spend by driving around inbetween targets, the Gullfoss waterfall and some roadshots together with some overexposed sunnier shots in the sun. It is so weird how the skies and the climate can change during the day and go from dark skies, rain, a bit cold and then later turn into sun, more sun and a lot of sun. How? So I am sorry that the …

a waterfall, a ravine and a bride

Our journey in Island continues and we have now shot the first two couples, Jorunn and Böddir was first up and we shot them yesterday through the worst rain and storm I have ever experienced as a photographer. It was eight degrees when we shot the pictures. This is some (not yet ready pictures) of the shoot by the waterfall and a ravine that happened during the day. Katarina

Taking care of your camera before and during a trip

I am not the best ”taking care of your equipment lady” and God knows I rather trow a way clothes than fix them if broken. But when it comes to the camera I think it is better to be safe than sorry, being organised and always bringing a cloth is important. I am now on my way to Island with a bunch of photographers accompanied by Emelie Ohlsson photographer/teacher. Here are some quick tips and everything you need to keep your camera clean before and during a trip: If you don´t have any, buy a good cleaning cloth. The ones used for glasses are the ultimate ones. Be careful and check so that you haven´t gotten any grains in your cloth before cleaning. Do not under any circumstances use chemicals in or on your camera if your not sure what you are doing. On the outside you can use chemicals in some cases, but I normally just use paper and a very small amount of cleaning alcohol that are used for hands, for example to clean the …

People staring at a Mermaid

There is always more or less famous tourist attractions in a city but every city has one that stands out. As Big Ben in London, the statue of liberty in New York, the Akropolis in Athens Warsaw has the mermaid statue in the old town. In common with other tourist attractions around the world i´m not sure that all tourists that look at the statue know why it is famous rather than just spotting that everyone is standing by this statue looking at it. At least I didn´t know, but I did notice the people. Googling the mermaid internet and various of tourist sources tells me that the mermaid has more than one legend and is suppose to be originating in the years around 1390 and before. It is thought to be medieval fashion and the legend goes that the mermaid was swimming in the river when stopping to rest, likting the city she decides to stay and then get noticed by local fishermen. The fishermen wants to trap her at first but then falls …

The view from the Taras Widokowy in Warsaw

I have a lot of photos from our time in Europe this summer. I saved some for later due to the simple fact that it was to many. When in Warsaw I shot a lot of photos from the Taras Widokowy in the old city, a terass overlooking the old city and more or less entire Warsaw. Now I am on the train back to Stockholm and wanted you to enjoy some photos of a magnificent view. To enjoy it real time, you just have to go to Warsaw Poland and the old town and then pay a little fee and walk a 150 stone steps, give or take. Katarina Photos shot with Canon EOS M3, 40 mm Canon pancake lens, ed lightroom