All posts tagged: Småland

En skogstjärn

I det lilla samhälle jag en gång växte upp i finns det fantastiska skogar. Djupa, mörka och murriga, riktiga trollskogar. Nu när jag inte längre har dem runt hörnet längtar jag dit, otroligt mycket.  Precis bakom mitt hus finns en riktigt trollskog, till och med skyltarna i skogen säger så. Inne i skogen ligger en liten skogstjärn vackert mellan träden. Under vinterledigheten tjatade jag på Martins tills vi tog en promenad runt tjärnen. En skogstjärn i en trollskog – Uvgölen Eftersom tjärnen inte frusit gick det dessvärre inte att gå ner hela vägen till kanten så vi stod och beundrade den på avstånd, Uvgölen. Stående här infinner sig lugnet. Det är sådär alldeles tyst som det bara är djupt inne i en småländsk skog. Snön ringlade ner mellan träden när vi fortsatte färden runt tjärnen. Martin lånade pappas snowjoggings och jag hade precis köpt nya vinterskor när vi gav oss ut. När vi kom hem, var vi sådär lagom frusna och blöta som jag bara brukade bli när jag var liten och byggde snökojor i slutet av gatan …

Brown brand new photo boots, a hat I got for Christmas and new year resolutions, light

*Squeak*, the snow below my new brown leather shoes is crunching, as if the weather was ment to arrive with my new boots.  Now wait, it most likely is the other way arround. I bought the shoes to fit the weather. Ah, yes *lightbulb*. Every year it is the same way around, a struggle to find comfortable warm and good looking shoes suited for my forest endeavours. At least I timed it well this year and managed to buy them before a long forest walk and some photography before heading home to Stockholm. The boots wasn´t the only thing I got for Christmas but one of the few things I got for myself. Here are some Christmas gifts I got. I like that when getting older, you tend to get gift you actually use. Like people now you better when you are older. Christmas presents Best places to be and the Ultimate Travel list, by Lonely planet, from the boyfriend. Travel gifts are the best! A necklace by Susanna, M´s stephmom Handcream and footcream for reaaaallly dry …


”Katarina, Katarina – look outside”. My eyes flicker, I try to get them to focus but have a hard time seeing anything. It is 7 o´clock and as always Martin jumped out of bed earlier than me. I manage a ”What is it?” looking up and seeing his face staring out the window, continuing ”Is it snow?”. A small ”yes” form on his lips.    Stepping out of bed looking out wakes me up immediately and I hop out into the garden (dressed only in my pyjamas and my fake fur) by pure excitement. I look over my shoulder to see if a neighbour is watching me. When secure I shoot some photos of the small snowflakes coming down on my parents garden. Squeeky snow builds on the grass and I smile, happy that winter finally is here. There is something magical about the snow. Some don´t like it at all, but I think if I didn´t get to experience it every year I would miss it. I have never missed a year with snow! …

Preparing for an October wedding – a cow, a dog and some sand

This weekend I am shooting my second wedding for my carrier, in Örebro. During the day I was at Scandinavian photo and prepared for the weekend mission by buying a new battery for my camera, two new memory cards, a CF card of 64 gb and a SD card of 64 gb plus some batteries for my polaroid. The wallet said ”ouch” when paying but, ”because I am worth it”, as the Loreal commercial says. Last weekend (two weeks ago) I met up with my third wedding couple to prepare for an mid Ocotober wedding the 17th. I shot some of my favorite photos for the year, a cow, a dog and a lot of sand *grin*. This weeding will take place close to my hometown in Småland. The weather was so magnificent it fel like middle of summer. Katarina

It´s raining, men!

Well, great start on the new year. It is raining here in the small village Gullringen where I grew up. Have spend a week here, had Christmas food and rested. Are still in my pajamas (13.20, or 1.20 pm). Somewhat afraid of my future health due to me slacking to much. I´m working on my New Year´s resolutions and the only thing I have come up with so far is 1. Travel more. Do you have any New Year´s resolutions? When the holidays are coming up you always think that you are going to get so much done, but when the holiday is here you realise that you´re not going to get anything done and even less done than if you had been working. Well, at least I have worked on my photography skills, the only thing that actually matters, don´t you think? From the day before yesterday and yesterdays strolling around Gullringen. Now the time is 16.36 and me and my mother took another stroll around the village. Katarina PS: Todays traveltip is Discover your own backyard. …


Would say that I am tired, but that is a understatement.. Will post some more photos taken by Ulrica Hanson when I get them. Is is basically all I have from the big party. After that, there where no more photography for me. Had no time.. Katarina Photos by me, Karin Johansson and Carlos Benitez. Editing done by me. Canon 5 D Mark iii, 24-105 mm Canon lens.  

Celebrating my 30 years on earth.

This weekend my mother and I are having our 30+60 year birthday. Created this invitation in Illustrator to send out us an invite and it was send to friends and family late May. What do you think of it? And no, sorry, this doesn´t mean that your invited. But if you insist, you can always ask! 😉 Now we are heading back to Småland, around a four hour drive. But first som chocolate cake! See you in the end of the weekend with some birthday photos! The party is tomorrow.. Katarina

Johannas och Fredriks Bröllop

Fick ett ryck och redigerade Johanna och Fredriks bröllop 2013 i svartvitt. Jag har tidigare inte publicerat något på bloggen från bröllopet så jag hoppas det smakar. Är riktigt nöjd med bilderna. Johanna och Fredrik är gamla barndomsvänner till mig. De gifte sig i Djurdala kyrka och hade festen i Vimmerby. Johannas bröllopsklänning är sydd av Karolina Svensson, hennes syster som också har Orkanlia, företaget som jag har köpt uppsydda kläder ifrån, inlägg som finns här och här. English- Edited some photos från Johanna and Fredriks wedding 2013 in Black and White. I haven´t published anything on the blog from the wedding before but got a sudden urge to do it now. Are really satisfied with the pictures and hope you enjoy them. Johanna and Fredrik are old mates from my childhood. They got married in an old wodden church in a little village called Djursdala and had the weddingparty in Vimmerby, the hometown of a famous Swedish childbook author, Astrid Lindgren. Johannas weddingdress is sewn by Karolina Svensson, her sister that has the company …

Gamla (mode)- minnen.

På min studentdag fick jag en fotobok av min faster med gamla foton på mig och mina kusiner från att jag var liten fram till studenten. Kikar i den titt som tätt och kollade i den igår när jag kom och tänka på uttrycket de tre p:na som jag skrev om igår. Boken har många bilder, har inte fotat av alla men här kommer några till för alla kusiner att njuta av.. Katarina

Mamma och jag på skogspromenad*

    Mamma och jag var ute på skogspromenad i Småland i helgen. Varken underbart väder att gå eller fota i men klickade några bilder på mamma och den härliga skogen. Katarina   Tagen med min Samsung NX 10, pannkaksobjektiv f2,4, fast 16mm, vidvinkel. Ingen fotoredigering, endast vattenstämpel+förminskning genom Picasa.